Karen Mills
Educated in Dental Hygiene
Was a Certified Orofacial Myologist
Saskatchewan Dental Therapist
I began my career in dentistry as a Dental Therapist in Saskatchewan. As a Dental Therapist I worked with a Dental Assistant in public schools
providing dental care to children aged 4 to 18. Services included x-rays, exams, fillings, extractions of baby teeth, space maintainers, crowns, oral hygiene instruction and cleanings.
In 1990, with a one year old in tow, I expanded my education to include Dental Hygiene. In 1999 I moved with my
two children to Calgary. I am so proud to be a Calgarian and to have had this opportunity to offer my years of experience and passion for dental health to all. I discovered many of the techniques I had been sharing with my hygiene patients, fell under the heading Orofacial Myology. I am thrilled to have been able to offer this therapy the results have been incredible. It has been a wonderful opportunity to share my journey and experiences with you.
My passions, of course, include my amazing children, Jesse and Kaylee; their lives are an inspiration to me.
I am also a singer songwriter, which is great fun. I perform at local coffee shops and various other venues. I proudly released my first original CD about 7 years ago. You can learn and hear more about my music passion at karenmills.ca

Learn more about the benefits of proper breathing, swallowing, tongue and lip posture, with a natural approach to well-being, through Myofunctional Therapy.

Importance of Nose Breathing

What is Biofilm?
Biofilm forms when bacteria adhere to surfaces in moist environments by excreting a slimy, glue-like substance. Sites for biofilm formation include all kinds of surfaces: natural materials above and below ground, metals, plastics, medical implant materials—even plant and body tissue. Wherever you find a combination of moisture, nutrients and a surface, you are likely to find biofilm. Biofilm plays a major role in the mouth, and must be disturbed daily for optimum health.
Citation: Montana State University
Read more about the relationship between Alzheimer's Disease, Periodontal Disease, and dental health HERE

Using laser technology for bacterial reduction in the mouth has changed the way I practice Dental Hygiene. No longer treating just the teeth and gums, with laser technologies we are able to positively impact one's whole body.
study on laser effectiveness
The laser targets the bacteria that has been linked to a list of systemic conditions, including heart disease, brain disease, diabetes, asthma, kidneys, low birth weights, some cancers, and arthritis.
Learn more about how dental hygienists are making difference in heart health HERE.
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