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Karen Mills
Educated in Dental Hygiene
Was a Certified Orofacial Myologist
Saskatchewan Dental Therapist
I began my career in dentistry as a Dental Therapist in Saskatchewan. As a Dental Therapist I worked with a Dental Assistant in public schools
providing dental care to children aged 4 to 18. Services included x-rays, exams, fillings, extractions of baby teeth, space maintainers, crowns, oral hygiene instruction and cleanings.
In 1990, with a one year old in tow, I expanded my education to include Dental Hygiene. In 1999 I moved with my
two children to Calgary. I am so proud to be a Calgarian and to have had this opportunity to offer my years of experience and passion for dental health to all. I discovered many of the techniques I had been sharing with my hygiene patients, fell under the heading Orofacial Myology. I am thrilled to have been able to offer this therapy the results have been incredible. It has been a wonderful opportunity to share my journey and experiences with you.
My passions, of course, include my amazing children, Jesse and Kaylee; their lives are an inspiration to me.
I am also a singer songwriter, which is great fun. I perform at local coffee shops and various other venues. I proudly released my first original CD about 7 years ago. You can learn and hear more about my music passion at

Karen Mills
I am no longer taking Hygiene Clients
Please book with Julie for a fabulous hygiene experience! appointments can be made on-line

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